Car Accident Lawyers

Car Accident Lawyer

Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers

At Mbt Lawyers, we are committed to providing our clients with the best legal representation possible for a motor vehicle accident compensation claim. Our team of qualified and experienced car accident lawyers understand how to get the best possible outcome for your case.

Have You Been Injured in a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Being injured in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, causing both physical and emotional pain. Your legal rights and compensation entitlements should be considered when you suffer injuries in an accident. Mbt Lawyers are experts in motor vehicle accident compensation and are here to help. Our team of specialist car accident lawyers in Coffs Harbour and Grafton have a wealth of knowledge and experience in navigating the legal process of motor vehicle accident compensation.

Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Fight For Compensation

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you may be entitled to receive compensation. The type and amount of compensation you can receive will depend on the seriousness of your injuries, the circumstances of your accident and any other costs associated with the accident. Our motor vehicle accident lawyers will help you understand your rights and entitlements and help you to get the maximum compensation for your situation.

How to Claim Car Accident Compensation

We make the process of claiming motor vehicle accident compensation easy and stress-free. Step one is to get in touch with us. You need to act quickly to protect your rights if you are injured in a motor vehicle accident. Generally you must:

• Report your accident to the police within 28 days.
• Lodge a claim form with the CTP (Greenslip) insurer of the motor vehicle at fault within 3 months of the accident. If the claim form is lodged within 28 days you can get back payment of your lost earnings.

Our expert motor vehicle accident lawyers will review your case details and assess your claim eligibility. Moreover, our lawyers have extensive experience in the motor vehicle accident compensation process. They will guide you through each step. So, from lodging your application and assessing the available evidence, to negotiating with the other parties and representing you at the Personal Injury Commission or in Court hearings if necessary.

How Can Mbt Car Accident Lawyers Help Me?

At Mbt Lawyers, we are committed to getting you the best outcome possible for your motor vehicle accident compensation claim. Our legal compensation team will work with you to ensure that you understand and receive your full entitlements. In short, we take the time to understand your situation and provide the best possible outcome for your case.

Don’t hesitate to contact our team to discuss your compensation claim. Call 02 6648 7600 (Coffs Harbour) or 02 6648 7666 (Grafton) or use our online contact form.

Your Law Specialists

Bill Langler

Bill Langler is a Partner at Mbt Lawyers and is our Court warrior in all Personal Compensation, Commercial Litigation, Personal Injury, Workers Compensation (WIRO ILARS accredited legal provider), Debt Recovery, General Litigation, Dispute Resolution, Employment Law and Planning & Environment Law matters.

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Tom Marsden

Mbt Lawyers

At Mbt Law we pride ourselves on our knowledge and our expertise to provide the best solution for you.

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